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With the continuous increase of carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere, it is important now, more than ever to reduce our carbon footprints. Organizations, big and small, are doing their part by saving costs on travel, which reduces carbon emissions. Video conferencing and telepresence replaces the need to travel by car and plane, but doesn't compromise face-to-face interaction and productivity.

Here are the Top 5 Ways to be GREEN with Video Conferencing:

  1. Telecommuting - Working from home will save you from gas expenses, wasted energy, and your dreaded time stuck in traffic. Constantly traveling is straining to your mind, body, and productivity. Video conferencing eliminates travel frustrations, increasing productivity, collaboration and morale. Seriously...Who doesn't want to work from home?
  2. Virtual Learning - Hospitals, schools, and other institutions get a lesson in being "green" when they use video conferencing to enhance learning opportunities, while being cost efficient. They can even share recorded materials for upcoming lessons.
  3. Video Meetings - Say goodbye to long flights, and airline delays. Thanks to telepresence meetings with your global team are just right down the hall. Save your organization money on costly travel expenses and reduce carbon emissions.
  4. Video Briefings - Your client is in New York, you're in LA, and your boss is in Japan...No Problem! Video Conferencing and telepresence brings everyone together in one room, face-to-face. Give presentations, demonstrations and pitch ideas in the comfort of your own office. Video conferencing connects engineers, clients, purchasers, and sales staff in real time.
  5. Virtual Interviews - By cutting back on interview travels, businesses reduce costs and carbon footprints. Using video conferencing, the interviewer would still be able to see the person face-to-face, unlike phone interviews. Let's face it...it makes the process less stressful for the person getting interviewed too.


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Image of businesspeople at presentation looking at virtual project