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Back in June, when Cisco announced that Spark, its all-in-one collaboration solution, would be fully integrated into devices running iOS 10, Windows users might have felt a little bit left out. But fear not, Windows fans! It turns out Cisco had something special in store for you. And now, the Windows-friendly bonus has been revealed.

For you folks who have boldly ventured into the future and acquired an Oculus Rift headset, Cisco Spark can now be accessed in virtual reality. Yes, one usually thinks of virtual reality as a realm solely consisting of immersive games and wild out-of-body experiences, but Cisco is counting on the virtual world to become an extension of the workplace as well.

Although Cisco’s incursion into virtual reality is still in its early stages, early adopters have reported positive results. But what, you might ask, can one do with Cisco Spark in virtual reality? The answer: pretty much anything you can do with Spark in a conference room can be accomplished in a virtual Spark-powered room.

In a way, Spark is already a virtual realm--your files and whiteboards and conversations are all stored digitally. That's just sorta how computers work. But Cisco Spark’s virtual reality experience allows you to interact with those files in 3D. In a way, Spark in virtual reality brings physicality back to collaborative work, as you can grab, open, share and present files using your hands as you would in “real life” if you were working with paper instead of clickable screens.

And just as the content created on a physical Spark Board can be synchronized with mobile devices so that work can travel anywhere, anything created by teams in virtual reality can be accessed in physical space on a Board or mobile device. So you can meet with farflung colleagues in virtual space and then emerge back into the “real world” with all of your work fully intact and ready for future engagement.

It’s dizzying to think about, really. Going to work and entering your office and then putting on a headset to enter an office-within-an-office. But this is the future. Physical work spaces are shrinking as the virtual world expands. Rest assured that Cisco will be there to guide us all through the previously unimaginable.

Learn more about Cisco Spark and sign up for a free trial today. If you have any questions about Spark or our various other mobile and room solutions, contact us and we will have one of our experts get back to you shortly.

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