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Even with all the obvious benefits of video conferencing, many companies are still hesitant to support it as a reasonable replacement for traveling and in-person meetings. If anything has hurt adoption of video conferencing solutions in small and medium businesses over the years, it’s the misconceptions about the possible options. Whether they are uncertain the savings will ever compensate the initial investment, they are scared of technology, or unsure which system is compatible with their partner’s.

Let’s clear up some of these misconceptions:

  1. Video Communication is for Corporate Offices: Connecting more frequently with your customers makes it easier to gain their loyalty and respect. Clients appreciate it when they can have face-to-face collaboration with companies they work with. Video conferencing isn’t just for the corporate big-wigs. It provides an experience that fundamentally all businesses should make use of.
  2. It's Too Expensive: Many believe that video conferencing systems are too pricey, and in fact there are several solutions out there that can be very expensive. Even on small budgets companies are affording high quality enterprise grade equipment. These multi-point, standards based video conferencing set ups with content sharing capabilities are available for less than $1,000 for each room.
  3. Video Means IT Support: Video conferencing shouldn’t require a degree in rocket science to set up, there are video options designed for even the least tech-savvy user. The all-in-one systems are the best option for those not wanting IT support or extra costs. They do not require a connection to a computer, speakers, microphone or a camera, so there are less moving parts!
  4. Rooms Work Only With One Brand: Today systems are able to work securely with other manufacturers and older equipment for total compatibility.
  5. Specialized Video Infrastructure is Required: New video conferencing and telepresence solutions provide secure cloud-based infrastructure rather than hardware and servers. Some are also compatible with older in-house infrastructure in addition to the cloud.



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