When a client purchases an audiovisual room system, they consult with account executives and engineers to finalize designs that will meet their specific needs. Project managers play a significant role in setting installations up for success, but audiovisual integration technicians are the trained professionals responsible for delivering high-quality results. Ultimately, your AV project is only as good as your technician.
Among many other skills, technicians need to be able to read the detailed engineering blueprints to properly install selected hardware in clients’ unique environments. Many AV integration technicians enter the industry early in their careers with a passion for all things audiovisual, but often lack specific knowledge of AV integration. Technical schools offer degrees in electronics technology, but AV integration is not offered as a set curriculum. (It is important to note that skill sets for AV event technicians and those involved in the recording industry are not the same as integration technicians who are permanently installing and integrating a wide variety of AV equipment in varied locations.) So where do skilled AV integration technicians come from? They are grown organically!
AV integration firms often structure their operations by ranking installation technicians by skill levels and certifications, generally starting with apprentices as Level 1 and progressing to Level 2 and 3, culminating in a Lead Technician. Like other AV integration professionals, installation technicians earn certifications in two primary ways. The first is by completing specific training and rigorous testing through AVIXA (Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association), the industry trade association for AV. The second is through individual manufacturing partners' training and testing on specific AV equipment. Most AV integration skills are acquired on the job under the guidance of experienced operations managers and lead technicians, as well as through organized in-house training. Because technologies advance rapidly, the best integration firms value and prioritize training, facilitating the acquisition of professional credentials for all members of their technical teams.
AV integration technicians are the professionals who undertake the most physically demanding work on job sites; they are responsible for pulling cables through walls and ceilings, drilling and cutting holes in everything from concrete to conference tables, and hoisting heavy displays to heights that would seem impossible to some. Solutionz technicians keep client concerns at the forefront of their minds while working, ensuring that disruptions are minimized, rooms are left clean and orderly, and client questions are adequately addressed.
Solutionz is proud of the professional teams we have cultivated over the years. Hiring for a culture of teamwork and learning, Solutionz has a formal career-focused training program, Solutionz Academy. Technical team members are required to track their progress towards quarterly training goals and earned certifications for their chosen career track. With rigorous training requirements, the Solutionz team has grown exponentially in its skill sets, and the proof is evident in client reviews and referrals.
Contact Solutionz for your next project and meet the team ready to be your trusted technology partner.