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The new year is a month old already, so you've probably just about gotten used to writing "2019" on your checks, but there's still plenty to figure out about the coming months. You might not have had "think about digital signage" on your list of New Year's resolutions, but that doesn't mean you should let yourself off the hook. We're here to help, though. So let's take a look at the ways you can revamp your digital signage over the next year.

Reflect And Process

There is no such thing as a permanent branding or marketing strategy. Your audience is a constantly evolving entity, and connecting with it requires a multifaceted and malleable approach that can respond to the shifting demands of the marketplace. But before rejiggering your digital signage strategy to better connect with your customers, take the time to reflect on what worked and didn’t work during the past year. Pore over your data and figure out what content resonated most frequently and forcefully with your audience, and don’t be shy about identifying areas in need of improvement. Like every other aspect of your business, digital signage is an ongoing process. Not everything will pan out, and that is okay as long as you are in the habit of looking back before moving forward.

Update And Upgrade

You definitely don’t need to replace your entire video system on an annual basis, but there’s no harm in thinking about how you might update and upgrade your existing digital signage technology. And it is not just a matter of installing new drivers or fixing fussy screens. Take this opportunity to think about where your screens are installed and how they might be moved or rearranged to take better advantage of the way people move through your space.

Train and Retrain

As your digital signage strategy evolved over the last year, you probably found features you weren’t previously aware of, capabilities you hadn’t yet harnessed, strengths hitherto hidden. Or the updates and upgrades mentioned above introduced an assortment of new tools. As you begin to work out your digital signage game plan for 2019 and beyond, be sure to set aside some time for your employees to attend training sessions that will bring them up to speed on the new and improved components of your digital signage solutions.

Research And Network

You might think you’ve thought of everything, that you’ve covered every possible base with your digital signage strategy, but now is not the time to get cocky. More and more organizations are using digital signage to engage with their customers, and with ubiquity comes innovation--everyone is looking for new angles, more exciting content, better uses for familiar tools. Stay sharp by staying engaged. Check out what other companies are doing with their digital signage, and keep up with the latest industry innovations by attending conferences and trade shows.

Learn more about our digital signage solutions and contact us with any questions. We will have one of our experts get back to you shortly. If there’s something else you’re looking for, please use our Advanced Search tool to find it.

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