Odds are fairly good that your organization employs various rooms for different kinds of meetings. There aren’t any hard and fast rules dictating which meetings happen where--sometimes it might just ...
Odds are fairly good that your organization employs various rooms for different kinds of meetings. There aren’t any hard and fast rules dictating which meetings happen where--sometimes it might just ...
You’ll always need a conference room for larger meetings and more formal gatherings, but the huddle room is on the rise in the business world. A small space intended for intimate and informal ...
The call center is too often the place where commerce collapses into a mess of frustration, miscommunication and outright hostility. We’ve all been there--most of us at the consumer end. You know the ...
More and more companies are turning to such web collaboration solutions as Prime Call Cloud MeetMe, which puts anyone with a mobile device just a click away from the sort of top notch video ...
Audio conferencing might seem way more simple and straightforward than video conferencing, but there are still quite a few potential pitfalls hiding in the all-audio realm. In fact, there are ways in ...
While there are certainly advantages to keeping video conferencing infrastructure on-premise, more and more organizations are opting for cloud-based solutions. Organizations dealing with highly ...
Accessing quality healthcare can be a nightmarish ordeal of bureaucratic wrangling, long distance drives, interminable delays, packed waiting rooms, rushed care and outrageous bills. But things don’t ...
Implementing a comprehensive video conferencing solution is probably the most important thing a company can do to foster connection and flexibility in a workplace increasingly defined by distance and ...
Job satisfaction has never been a simple matter of receiving fair remuneration for services rendered. A paycheck is the prime objective, sure, but people have always wanted more than that from work: ...
You’ve prepared a seamless multimedia presentation for Monday’s meeting, and it’s going to knock everyone’s socks off. No one is leaving that meeting with socks on. Heck, they’ll probably lose their ...
Although Microsoft Lync recently merged with Skype to become Skype For Business, the messaging client has not strayed from its essential purpose: integrating Office programs with, voice and video ...
Think back to the first time you spoke to someone via video. It was weird, right? Making eye contact, that most natural and essential aspect of interpersonal communication, seemed nearly impossible ...
As little kids we all spent hours playing hide and seek. Nothing quite matched the excitement of gleefully calling out one of our little playmates as we spied them crouching under the stairs or ...
Collaboration and teamwork are essential in bringing people, processes, and products together, especially when it comes to manufacturing and innovation. For the proposal of a new product it is ...
Video conferencing is becoming the simplest way to communicate and collaborate. The following 5 tips will help renovate your meeting space into the greatest video conferencing room possible!
When your audio, video, communication, and collaboration systems all work together you'll save more than time. Partner with a Solutionz expert for a personalized consultation and discover the perfect solution that supports your current needs and future growth.