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As 2018 winds down and we all shift into New Year’s resolution mode, it’s helpful to take stock of where we’ve been, where we are and where we are going. To that end, No Jitter recently surveyed 142 IT professionals to get an idea of how they are (or are not) implementing video conferencing and collaboration solutions and what the future might hold for their companies. Let’s take a look at the results and what they mean.

The Value of Video Conferencing Solutions

The results: Among all enterprise IT professionals surveyed, a vast majority (82%) said they supported video collaboration. And it would seem that as organizations grow, video solutions become more crucial. IT support for video solutions climbs to 88% at companies with more than 1,000 employees, which makes sense--as possible connections multiply, the need for more flexible meeting and collaboration strategies becomes paramount.

The takeaway: IT departments know just how important video conferencing and collaboration has become.

Room To Grow

The results: No Jitter’s survey reveals a large gap between IT enthusiasm and user adoption. Only 11% of respondents said that all potential users of video solutions are actually using the technology on a regular basis. However, 87% of IT professionals remain optimistic, saying they expect the number of regular users to grow within the next year.

The takeaway: Employees either aren’t being given ample opportunity to use video conferencing technology or they are simply not convinced video conferencing is useful. Companies need to do more to bring their employees into the fold.

One Tool Among Many

The results: We don’t all work in front of cameras all the time, so it makes sense that two-thirds of the organizations surveyed by No Jitter see video collaboration as one of many communication options. However, approximately 25% of enterprise IT pros said their companies are working towards making video their primary communications mode.

The takeaway: There will never be a single solution to rule them all. A successful company will take advantage of various modes of communication for both internal communications and client outreach. But it looks likely that video solutions are becoming an increasingly important communication tools.

Empty Huddle Rooms

The results: A mere 7% of video meetings take place in huddle rooms, a shockingly low number given the fact that 65% of IT professionals surveyed by No Jitter said their companies have huddle rooms available.

The takeaway: Companies are still struggling to figure out how to adapt to the changing landscape of the workplace. Employees need to be encouraged to take advantage of the spaces available to them. Again, this is probably just a matter of people needing a little time to catch up with technology. The good news is that the tools are available, and IT departments are excited about them. It's just a matter of implementing solutions in a way that makes employees want to use them.

Learn more about the video conferencing and collaboration solutions that are changing the way people work and contact us with any questions. We will have one of our experts get back to you right away. If there is anything else you’re looking for, please use our Advanced Search tool to find it.

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