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When you think about the process of digital transformation, your imagination probably skips ahead to an ideal future in which AV integration solutions and mobile conferencing technology combine to create a mega efficient workforce in both the virtual and physical realms. But undergoing such a sweeping transformation requires more than just plugging in new machines and watching them work their magic. It is a process that involves many moving parts. Which means things might get complicated. Let’s see how you can avoid some of the more common obstacles to successful digital transformation.

Listen To Your Employees (And Customers)

You might think you’ve planned for every possible hiccup and disruption, but a company-wide digital transformation will impact your employees and customers in ways that are impossible to predict. It is vitally important to adopt an open door policy while undergoing such a massive change. Your employees will have questions and concerns. Listen to them. Those questions will point the way forward to a future workplace that people are happy to return to every morning. Your clients and customers might find the early days of your digital transformation perplexing, perhaps downright frustrating, so be sure to listen to their feedback as well. If your customers aren’t happy, you’re living on borrowed time.

Look Before You Jump

We get it. Trust us, we get it. You can’t wait to jump ahead to the part of your digital transformation where everything is running smoothly and your employees are buzzing along in myriad efficient ways. But you won’t be able to enjoy that part of the process unless you take a good long look at where you are at in the present moment. What parts of your business are working well? Where are the squeakiest wheels? You can’t expect to implement a far-reaching digital transformation without identifying the areas where you do and do not need help.

Get Everyone On Board

You will obviously want to spend the majority of your time negotiating with and working alongside your IT department during your digital transformation, but this process does not end with the people overseeing installation and training. A successful digital transformation will make everyone feel like they are integral participants. Bring your marketing department to the table. Invite HR to your brainstorming sessions. Who’s handling the books? They need to be on board too. Your company is composed of interlocking parts, and to ignore one is to imperil the rest.

Be Patient

Your business will not be transformed overnight. You know this, of course. But even the most clear-headed managers can get frustrated when things aren’t happening fast enough. An effective digital transformation will fundamentally alter the way you do business for years to come, so remember: the big picture will come into focus slowly. Don’t rush it. It will be worth the wait.

Remember, you don’t have to manage a digital transformation on your own. We are here to help. Explore our many audio visual integration solutions and please contact us if you have any questions. We will have one of our experts get back to you shortly. If you’d like additional assistance with room design, reach out and we will help you realize your vision. Looking for something else? Use our Advanced Search tool to find it.


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