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Telepresence and Unified Communications are being used in correctional facilities, courtrooms, and police stations around the world.  The benefits of Telepresence and UC in the Human Justice processes are just beginning to be realized.  From an expert in a busy forensics lab to a suspect behind bars Telepresence takes them where they need to be, the minute they need to be there, and without the need to travel.

Re-Entry Phase and Corrections

Prisoners can utilize telepresence in a variety of different ways: meet with attorneys, receive medical care, take online classes, visit friends and family, appear in appeals hearings, prepare for release by meeting with housing providers, and even reconcile with their victims.

  • Telemedicine – Utilizing telemedicine services lower hospital and clinic waiting times, lower the cost of travel for transferring prisoners, and even improves safety for the public.
  • Distance Learning – College-level courses can be offered to inmates utilizing webcams to participate in interactive discussions and lectures.  They can also engage in life-skill classes over video to help prepare them to re-enter into society.
  • Family visits – Studies show that prisoners who are capable of maintaining connections with friends and family are not as likely to offend again.  Telepresence offers an alternative to visitors who are not able to visit in person because of distance or different factors.
  • Restorative justice – For rehabilitation programs that encourage prisoners and victims to be in contact so that prisoners can make amends, telepresence and video conferencing is a great avenue for this to take place.
  • Kiosks for monitoring – For prisoners who are able to get out of correctional facilities but are still on parole; monitoring over 2nd generation, video-enabled kiosks is easy and provides a way to interact instead of needing to be in-person.  This unique service would be perfect for lower risk parolees (no likely to reoffend), giving parole officers the ability to concentrate their resources and energy on those higher-risk parolees. 
To learn more about Telepresence and Unified Communications solutions contact your local Solutionz Sales Representative.

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