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In the grand scheme of things, the world of unified communications is still in its infancy. As such, every day seems to bring a new development, a fresh quirk that changes the shape of work. Relying on ever-changing technology on a daily basis can be disorienting, and sometimes we forget to press pause and take stock of where we are, how we got there and where we are going.  We must see the present clearly in order to step into the future with confidence. So let’s try to wrap our heads around where we stand in relation to unified communications in the middle of 2019.

The Expanding Cloud

Unified Communication are surely going the way of the cloud. According to a study published by Nemertes Research, 67% of companies are currently running at least part of their unified communications and collaboration applications in the cloud, with nearly one-third of them using cloud solutions exclusively. There are numerous reasons for this shift--affordability, the rise of remote work, ease of use--but no matter the root causes, it’s clear we are headed toward a culture of collaboration that has its head in the clouds.


The cloud’s slow envelopment of communication solutions isn’t the only way collaboration has changed. It is just one symptom of a larger transformation in the work place. Collaboration has evolved into a flowing and freewheeling swirl of chats, emails, video conferences, phone calls, huddle rooms, white boarding, content sharing and more. There are now so many ways to communicate with colleagues and clients, and the best unified communications make it possible to seamlessly shift from one mode to another.


As the popularity of cloud-based unified communications has increased, a bumper crop of service providers have appeared to take advantage of a hot market. Companies moving to the cloud would do well to make sure their providers can offer the same reliability and security that more traditional on-premises solutions have historically provided. A solution like Prime Call Cloud UC, for instance, is powered by Starleaf, which has multiple points-of-presence around the world and has recently achieved ISO 27001 certification in recognition of its robust and trusted security measures. 

Learn more about Prime Call Cloud UC and other cloud solutions and please contact us if you have any questions. We will have one of our experts get back to you as soon as possible. If there’s something else you’re looking for, use our Advanced Search tool to find it.

If you’d like to try Prime Call Cloud UC before committing to a cloud solution, sign up for a free trial and give it a go.

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