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The oil and gas industry continues to face new challenges and risks. These issues can cause lower productivity, unnecessary expenses and even physical harm. Video conferencing can be a critical resolution to some of the major problems within the oil and gas industry.

Video conferencing can help improve some of the issues and make collaborating easy and more efficient.

Specialized Employees 

The Oil and gas industry is a specialized industry that requires a specifically trained work force throughout the production process, from engineering to exploration to drilling. Video conferencing can allow oil companies to improve the expertise and skills of their current employees, gain advantage in the labor market and help alleviate the complications that come with a human capital deficit. 

For Example, if a Texas oil company is seeking to hire an engineer within the U.S. but finds that the U.S. market is scarce, the company is forced to look abroad for a new employee. The use of video conferencing allows you to conduct virtual interviews while saving time on travel and costs. It also allows you to find the perfect employee with all the skills and experience you are looking for that may have not been available otherwise.

Webinars are also a great way to implement video conferencing. Conduct training webinars and provide your new employees the tools they need to develop and succeed, or set up one on one meetings for employees nearing retirement to help pass along knowledge to their replacements.

Remote Production Sites

Oil companies are drilling in remote locations and usually have more variables and risks depending on where they are located. Collaborating can be easily accessible on any device with the use of video conferencing, once again saving on time and travel expenses.   

Production sites are home to a large work force for extended periods of time, so implementing health care on rigs in remote locations can be a challenge. However, Telemedicine can be used for different medical examinations, monitoring and rehabilitation. When workers become ill or injured, the condition must be treated locally or by phone. Removing a worker from a remote site is costly and the time involved could mean the difference between life and death.

Cost Control

Video conferencing can reduce expenses in several ways throughout a company. It offers amazing solutions, from the cost efficiency of telemedicine to reducing travel costs. The oil and gas industry has always been a multifaceted business with a variety of operational needs. As new and modern challenges arise, new and modern solutions are needed. Video Conferencing collaboration helps resolve issues and contribute to improved efficiency across the entire workforce.


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